Overwhelming Support for Feed-in Tariffs in Australia


On September 10, 2008, the the Clean Energy Council testified before the Senate Environmental Committee’s formal inquiry into a national feed-in tariff.

The inquiry was in response to Senator Christine Milne’s Private Members’ Bill for federal feed-in tariffs (SB 8086).

Currently, Australia and its member states relie on various net-metering policies with up front subsidies. Both BP Solar and the Alternative Technology Association have called for a system of feed-in tariffs instead.

According to the Clean Energy Council, the majority of speakers voiced their preference for a gross national feed-in tariff. Out of a total 127 submissions made to the Senate Inquiry,


  • 80% supported a gross FIT (pays for all electricity, including that used on-site);
  • 12% did not show preference;
  • 8% not in favour of FIT policy;
  • 1% favoured a net FIT (only pays for electricity sent back to the grid).

“There is clearly growing support for Australia to adopt a feed-in tariff scheme which is based on gross generation rather than net generation,” said Clean Energy Council solar spokesperson Andrea Gaffney.


Note: Australians designate true renewable energy payments “gross feed-in tariffs” to delineate them from various net metering programs.

“This sends a very strong message to the Committee and should serve to assist state and territory governments ahead of the upcoming COAG meeting” she added.

The Council of Australia Governments (COAG) will be discussing a nationally consistent feed-in tariff at their next meeting scheduled for 2 October 2008.

“We’re looking forward to receiving the conclusive findings of the Senate Inquiry and will continue to lobby for a nationally consistent gross feed-in tariff to ensure that every Australian can benefit from acting on climate change,” said Gaffney.