Essays & Other Articles

This section archives articles and essays on topics that don’t quite fit into the other categories on energy. They include articles on high-mileage vehicles, chain-reaction accidents, our neighbors, Tule fog, and . . . well . . . other subjects.

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Kern County, Indiana, and Pennsylvania Covid-19 Update


Paul Gipe

I live in Kern County, California and I have family that lives in Madison County, Indiana and Dauphin and Lancaster Counties in Pennsylvania.

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Covid-19 in Full Flower in Kern County and in the USA


Paul Gipe

Three months of a disease with an exponential growth rate is a lifetime. My oh my how things have changed. Today the front-page news in the Bakersfield Californian is that one of the two hospital systems here has again stopped elective surgeries. The other will likely do the same shortly.

Madison County In Central Indiana Is A Hot Spot For Covid 19 Caes.

Kern County California and Madison County Indiana Covid-19 Update


Paul Gipe

I live in Kern County, California. I was raised in Madison County, Indiana and still have family there. As the Coronavirus sweeps across the continent, my concern focuses on these two quite different counties.

Johns Hopkins Logarithmic Scale Of Infections Per Million Inhabitants.

It’s Here: Covid-19 Reaches Kern County


Confirmed cases in Kern County, population 900,000, reached 100 last week. Today, Monday, we reached 230 with two deaths.

Paul Gipe Cycling The Bluffs Bakersfield Californian Jpg

Time Change Works for Me: Fewer Homeless About


Paul Gipe

The time change works for me. It’s now dark again at 6.00 am here in California when I head out for my morning ride.

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The Need for and the Value of the World Wind Energy Association


Paul Gipe

The World Wind Energy Association was formed because existing organizations were narrowly focused on the often arcane and specialized needs of the commercial wind industry. There was no organization with the long term view that people, especially the people who use and live with wind energy were vitally important to the industry’s ultimate success. There was a need, and WWEA filled it. That need still exists today–even more so than two decades ago.