EV Articles by Paul Gipe
I’ve pulled together all my articles on EVs and driving electric under one heading–as much for my own benefit as for the benefit of readers.

EV Trip Report: Bakersfield to Grover Beach and SLO–550 Miles in a Nissan Leaf
Paul Gipe
On 5 March Nancy and I undertook our first true road trip in our 2015 Nissan Leaf. Our destination was Grover Beach and ultimately San Luis Obispo.

Electric Auto Association’s Comments on DC Fast Charger Installations for West Coast Electric Highway
Paul Gipe
The Electric Auto Association (EAA) submitted comments 16 March 2015 to the California Energy Commission on DC Fast Charger installations for the build out of the West Coast Electric Highway.

Two DC Fast Chargers Coming This Summer to I-5 Grapevine Corridor
Paul Gipe
EV owners who’ve tackled the Grapevine on I-5 with today’s consumer-oriented EVs know how difficult the route is, necessitating long layovers in Lebec and again in Valencia. That is about to change.

500 Miles in an EV—Some Observations
Paul Gipe
We recently completed a 550-mile trip to Grover Beach and San Luis Obispo from Bakersfield in our Nissan Leaf, an electric vehicle (EV). It’s not as far as many have driven, but it’s far more than most owners of EVs. That was one observation we came away with after the excursion.

CEC DCFC Corridor Gaps Southern San Joaquin & Mojave Desert; Grapevine, Valencia, Tehachapi
Paul Gipe
There’s an urgent need by owners of consumer-oriented EVs for a DCFC station either at the base of the Grapevine or at Lebec. Similarly, there’s an urgent need for a companion station in Valencia.

Our Nissan Leaf’s Electricity Consumption Early 2015
Paul Gipe
When we got our recent bill from Pacific Gas & Electric Co., I thought I’d take a look at hour our Electric Vehicle (EV) was affecting our consumption.