News & Articles on Electric Vehicles

We’ve made great strides in moving the electricity sector toward renewable energy. However, transportation remains a major source of air pollution and global warming gases. If we are to make a transition to renewable energy, we will need to electrify as much of the economy as we can, including transportation. Electrified rail is one means, electric vehicles (EVs) are another. The focus here is mostly on our experience driving EVs. We’ve been driving electric since the fall of 2014.

One Million Megawatts of Wind Capacity for the USA: A Target Worthy of a Great Nation


Paul Gipe

Portion of a presentation made January 10, 2008 to Al Gore’s Solutions Summit To significantly address the United State’s contribution …

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Krieg um Öl oder Frieden durch die Sonne (War over Oil or Peace through the Sun)


Paul Gipe

Yes, Franz Alt’s powerful little book is in German. And yes there’s perhaps only 100 million native German speakers in …