Recently I was approached about an article I’d written in 2013 where I accused The Nature Conservancy of greenwashing. (See … Read more
Worst Turbine Install in History
Hoosiers have definitely drunk the cool-aid. Worse, it’s another example of architectural greenwashing. According local press reports the Nature Conservancy … Read more
Mike Nelson call this the worst turbine install in history. It certainly ranks right up there with some recent installations by Mariah, a Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine manufacturer.
Stewart Russell captured these photos of a Mariah Windspire installed at the College School in St. Louis. Stewart is an experienced wind hand and noted that the Windspire, which is an unguyed, cantilevered VAWT, was swaying in the wind. A flyer was posted on the turbine saying that this swaying was normal.
This is a classic example of how not to install wind turbines to best advantage. The best that can be said about this installation is that at least they were not mounted on top of the building.