Physicians for Social Responsibility has released a groundbreaking medical report, “Coal’s Assault on Human Health,” which takes a new look at the devastating impacts of coal on the human body. Coal combustion releases mercury, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and dozens of other substances known to be hazardous to human health. This report looks at the cumulative harm inflicted by those pollutants on three major body organ systems: the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, and the nervous system. The report also considers coal’s contribution to global warming, and the health implications of global warming.

France will have to submit a detailed plan by June 2010 for how it plans to meet its EU renewable targets.

The Directive binds EU members to renewable energy targets. The target for France is 23% of final energy consumption, that is, heat, electricity, and liquid fuels, by 2020.

Our good friends at Media Matters jumped right on the case yesterday when Fox News cited a Spanish “study” about how green jobs somehow destroy other jobs. . .

A brilliant and scathing critique of the so-called Spanish “study” on renewable energy and jobs

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The United States could now be generating from 1% to 15% of its electricity supply if the direct costs of the Iraq war had been invested instead in wind or solar energy.

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How North America Can Learn From Renewable Energy Success Stories in Europe

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Toronto, ON, 1 June 2006.

The purpose of this article is to reflect upon this European experience with feed-in tariffs, to stimulate discussions regarding what promise they might hold for the development of solar photovoltaic electricity in Canada.

New Zealand could become the world’s first nation with a sustainable energy system based on renewable resources.