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Charles Keating died recently. His death marked a milestone in American political history. His crimes and those of my nephew illustrates one of the truisms in America often attributed to Al Capone. “If you’re going to steal, steal big.”
Note: January 14, 2014; Miracle of Miracles. We’re in. Our payment has cleared. They’ve taken our money. We received our … Read more
More on the changes brought by the closure of our local grocery story. . .
Comments on the closing of our local grocery store. . .
George W. Bush has violated his oath of office to faithfully enforce the country’s laws. He has admitted to illegal domestic spying on Americans, itself a felony. His administration has condoned torture in our name, contravening the Geneva Convention and US law. He has created a secret gulag in Eastern Europe, again in violation of US law. He and his staff, including Vice President Cheney, committed treason for crass partisan purposes in revealing the name of a secret US operative. Bush and his cabinet have arbitrarily abrogated legally binding treaties, including but not limited to the Nuremberg Charter.
An unprovoked attack on Iraq would be un-American, and a disgrace to fallen American soldiers who gave their lives fighting the Axis powers after an unprovoked attack December 7th, 1941.
New Zealand could become the world’s first nation with a sustainable energy system based on renewable resources.