How do existing North American feed-in tariff programs stand up
to best practices worldwide? How well do they compare to, say,
programs in Germany or France? What programs are world-class?
What programs are laggards?

Related Files ases_feed-in_tariff_ontario_sop_paul_gipe_01-pdf

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Toronto, ON, 1 June 2006.

In retrospect, the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association erred in adopting the language of its client, the Ministry of Energy, in … Read more

OSEA’s May 2005 Report to the Ministry of Energy on Standard Offer Contracts . . .

The purpose of this article is to reflect upon this European experience with feed-in tariffs, to stimulate discussions regarding what promise they might hold for the development of solar photovoltaic electricity in Canada.