But Minnesota’s new law is hardly the most ambitious standard, with a total requirement for the state’s investor-owned utilities that sums to less than 0.9% of electricity sales by 2020. It also fails to grow the pool of investment in clean energy, tapping existing conservation and renewable energy funds rather than using the proposed assessment to get a 3-to-1 return on public investment. Finally, it remains to be seen if the value of solar concept will result in a more fiscally sustainable strategy for utilities to accommodate more solar power or an opportunity for them to squash competition in the name of their shareholders.

  Minnesota’s State Senate passed a bill with the C-BED proposal in May, 2005. The measure passed the Assembly on … Read more

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Three Bills Now on Legislative Calendars in the Midwest

Group Suggests Adopting “Michigan” Tariffs

  http://www.startribune.com/business/13823711.html A legislator’s plan to encourage small, local energy projects in Minnesota borrows from Germany’s experience. By H.J. CUMMINS, … Read more