Energy minister Miriam Dalli launched a new €26 million investment scheme for renewable energy for onshore wind, PV and solar panels of over 1MW power.

Energy minister Miriam Dalli has announced a 20-year extension to the advantageous feed-in tariffs first launched on PV and solar panels back in 2010. The original tariffs had been limited to just six and eight years. Dalli said these will be respectively extended by 14 and 12 years.

Energy security on the island nation of Malta is a concern. However, the country is taking on three major projects – a pipeline to Italy, a new gas-fueled power plant, and the promotion of solar power – to make the island’s future safer and cleaner.

The draft National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) highlights that since the introduction of financial subsidies and advantageous feed-in tariffs, installation of solar panels has increased substantially. This has resulted in a yield of 4.4 per cent in energy produced through renewable sources, primary among them solar energy

In a statement, it said that following the full take-up of the scheme for PV panels of between 40kWp and 1MWp, the existing scheme of 15c per kwh put on the grid is being extended to June. The extension applied for a total capacity of 6MWp.

A feed-in tariff of €0.15c per KWh generated has been set for structurally integrated photovoltaic panel systems.

Following the publication of a legal notice, a feed-in tariff has been set for photovoltaic panel systems, not covered by previous grant schemes, that are larger than 1kWp, but smaller than 40 kWp and for systems larger than 40kWp but smaller then 1MWp.

Suppliers of commercial photovoltaic installations can finally properly conduct their business thanks to new feed-in tariffs issued by the government after a nine-month delay.

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New feed-in tariffs for solar photovoltaics (solar PV) on Malta were published on 27 February 2013. They cover tariffs of subsidized and unsubsidized solar PV installations on residential and non-residential properties through June 2013. . .

Legal notice governing Feed in tariff electricity generated from domestic PV systems where the installation operator benefits from a grant or not more than 50% of the initial capital investment with regard to the solar photovoltaic installation published.