The facility was deployed with 25,000 solar modules on a former cooling pond owned by the steel manufacturer’s unit ArcelorMittal Differdange, which operates an electric steel plant in the homonymous municipality in Luxembourg.

For installations with a generation capacity of less than 10 kW, the feed-in tariff will rise 36% to €0.165/kWh and all installations below 500 kW are set to benefit from an improved regulatory framework.

The government is taking measures to further promote solar energy by extending investment subsidies to help with the installation costs of solar panels generating 30 kilowatts (kW) or less and by extending 15-year feed-in tariffs to installations above 30kW.

The country recently announced plans to expand its feed-in tariff (FiT) support scheme to include new photovoltaic (PV) and wind categories from January 1, 2016. Thus it aims to foster growth of community projects with capacity of 30 kW to 200 kW.

The new solar compensation scheme, announced on Monday by the Economy Ministry, will offer feed-in tariffs to photo voltaic plants producing electrical power of between 30 and 200 kilowatts from January 1, 2016.