The feed-in-tariffs (FITs), outlined by respective state electricity regulatory commissions based on the cost-plus return on equity model, have also seen a significant decline.
Indiana FIT
Under FIT 2.0, NIPSCO said it will offer 15-year contracts to solar, wind and biomass projects. The standard offer contract price varies by both technology and project size.
Requires the utility regulatory commission (IURC) to adopt rules to establish an electric utility feed-in tariff (FIT) program. Reported to Utilities and Energy committee.
I’ve posted a model feed-in tariff bill for use by feed-in tariff advocates in the US. The bill is very … Read more
NIPSCO has filed a petition to extend its 30 MW FIT program with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commisison
An Indiana appeals court ruling that technically struck down a controversial deal to finance the Rockport coal gasification plant isn’t likely to kill the project, but opponents are hoping it encourages lawmakers to revisit the issue. . .
Last month, Indianapolis Power & Light (IPL), an investor-owned utility that provides electricity to 470,000 customers in central Indiana, put out a press release boasting about its support of 30 MW of new solar developments. The new developments would make IPL the leading provider of solar power among Midwestern utilities, the company claimed. . . But what the company did not say was that the 30 MW of new solar was all that remained of an innovative feed-in tariff project that would have incorporated up to 100 MW of renewable energy into their generating mix, and is now ending—over the protests of both renewable energy developers and environmentalists. . .
The Feed-in Tariff pilot program [in Northern Indiana] has a total capacity available under this Rate limited to 30 MW with no single technology exceeding 50% of the 30 MW cap. 500 kW of the 30 MW cap is specifically allocated and reserved for solar projects of less than 10 kW capacity, and 500 kW of the 30 MW cap specifically allocated and reserved for wind projects of less than 10 kW capacity. . .
Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance disappointed IPL’s Feed-in Tariff (FIT) not to be extended after 3/30/13 . . .