The scheme includes state support either through a feed-in tariff or through a price premium in line with the Guidelines. Support with a feed-in tariff will be limited to small installations and installations on non-interconnected islands.

Greece has been offering high feed-in-tariffs (FiTs) for PV since 2006. This has skyrocketed the market, especially during the period 2011-2013, and reached a cumulative installed PV capacity of 2.5 GWp in 2013. . . However, this very mechanism has also overheated the market. High feed-in-tariffs and dramatic decreases of PV costs since 2011 have led to a boom that the Electricity Market cannot sustain anymore.

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Sources are reporting that Greece has revised its 2013 tariffs for solar photovoltaics.

Despite on the ongoing financial tragedy that has gripped Greece for the past three years, the country has risen Phoenix-like from the ashes to become one of the world’s largest markets for solar photovoltaics (solar PV). . .

  The Greek government announced this summer a new feed-in tariff for rooftop solar PV. The tariff, €0.55/kWh ($0.873 CAD/kWh, … Read more

  Greece has announced revised solar PV tariffs for 2009. The tariffs are €0.45/kWh ($0.58 USD/kWh) for systems less than … Read more