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On 30 June 2023, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) published a Decision regarding the determination of Feed-In Tariffs for electricity produced by renewable energy sources, which updates Feed-In Tariffs to include electricity produced by biomass and determines the premiums for renewable energy producers with an overall installed capacity of 500 kW and exceeding 500 kW for the regulatory period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.

The government is considering a €0.12/kWh feed-in tariff for PV installations with a generation capacity of up to 5 kW and of €0.10 for 5-30 kW systems. If implemented, the scheme will come into force next month.

Bulgaria’s electricity export tariff will be abolished from 1 July, according to a draft proposal for energy law changes.

Bulgaria will seek to renegotiate long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs), including feed-in tariff contracts with renewable energy producers, obliging them to sell their entire electricity output on the power exchange from July 1, the chairman of parliament’s energy commission, Delyan Dobrev, said.

Following the successful challenge, before the Bulgarian Constitutional Court, of the 20% cuts to the Feed-in Tariff (“FiT”) for PV and wind producers, renewable energy investors in Bulgaria are now entitled to claim back some of the FiT paid into the state budget after 10 August 2014 (the date Decision No 13 under Constitutional court case No 1 / 2014 entered into force).


Bulgaria’s Constitutional Court said on July 31 that it has declared unconstitutional the provisions in the 2014 Budget Act that imposed a 20 per cent fee on the feed-in tariff paid to solar and wind power electricity producers.

Bulgarian President Rossen Plevneliev has submitted a formal challenge to the country’s Constitutional Court, asking it to strike down the new fee on the feed-in tariff paid to solar and wind power electricity producers, the presidency’s media office said on January 13.

Bulgarian President Rossen Plevneliev said on December 12 that he would ask the Constitutional Court to rule on whether the 20 per cent fee on the feed-in tariff paid to solar and wind power electricity producers was legal.

The nation of Bulgaria has introduced new, temporary feed-in tariff rates, including cutting the rates for solar photovoltaic (PV) plants above 200 kW by 5-39%. These rate reductions were decided at a closed session of the Bulgarian Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SWERC). The new rates went into effect on September 18th, 2012, and will apply to previously commissioned plants. . .

According to the Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association (BPVA), on Oct. 27 the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism (MEE) issued a draft proposal for a revised feed-in tariff. In an email response, the MEE confirmed that the proposal calls for incentives with guaranteed payments of 25 years pegged at 72.8 BGN (50.7¢) for systems above 5 kW and 79.2 BGN (55.2¢) for installations below 5 kW for all PV connected to the grid by March 31, at which point a new level would be set.