Rtemagicc Extract Kelley Blue Book Average New Car Transaction Cost Jpg Jpg

We drive electric and have for several years now. We encourage our friends to do so as well. However, some have balked, arguing that electric vehicles are too expensive. The question is, are they more expensive?

2020 Oasis Blue Chevy Bolt Lt At Little Cottonwood Creek Trailhead In The Inyo National Forest.

Oy vey! I just concluded a three month search for what I consider a reasonably priced Chevy Bolt EV. What an experience.

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Leasing a car is like renting one–you’re paying for the use of a vehicle that’s owned by someone else.

These are articles I or others have written about charging EVs. Of course, there’s a lot more on line. Each EV model has its own user forum on line with a section on charging: charging etiquette, how to charge, the pros and cons of when and how much to charge, and so on.

Image by ALL EV

Welcome to my information dump / roundup on all things Chevy Bolt related. I have been toying between making this … Read more

Our Clippercreek Hsc 40 Evse. It's Worked Flawlessly For The Past Six Years.

One of the big advantages of driving electric is charging your car–“filling up”–at home instead of going to a gas … Read more

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An excellent 21-minute video explaining the how and why of charging an electric vehicle.

Point Reyes National Seashore Ev Charging At The Visitor's Center.

One of the first things you notice about driving an electric vehicle is the absence of engine noise. The cabin is quiet until you’re going fast enough to hear road noise or the whoosh of the wind around the windows.

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I’ve noted in several articles that electric vehicles are simply more fun to drive than conventional vehicles. Once you drive one, you’ll understand.

Rtemagicc Pge Bolt 7000 Cheaper Than A Camry Jpg Jpg

Electric vehicles are cheaper to operate and maintain than conventional cars, in part, because they have fewer moving parts. They are also cheaper to fuel than gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles.