Books Reviews by Paul Gipe

I have an extensive library on wind energy and energy policy. A number of these books I’ve reviewed over the years. Not all are in English, my native language. Nonetheless, I’ve reviewed some books in German, French, and Danish because I think it’s important to hear what these authors have to say about wind development in their countries.

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Homebrew Wind Power–A Review


Paul Gipe

Finally, a detailed-some would argue exhaustive-treatment of how to build your own backyard wind turbine. The authors, do-it-yourselfers who actually know what they’re doing, are the powers behind

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Feed-in Tariffs by Miguel Mendonça–a Review


Paul Gipe

Miguel Mendonça’s Feed-in Tariffs takes his place alongside Craig Morris’ Energy Switch in explaining the success of Feed-In Tariffs to …

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Le Grand Livre de l’Éolien


Paul Gipe

Le Grand Livre de l’Éolien est le livre de référence pour tous les acteurs du secteur et pour tous ceux …

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The Citizen Powered Energy Handbook: Community Solutions to a Global Crisis


Paul Gipe

Greg Pahl’s idea of shifting the debate from Not In My Back Yard to Please, In My Back Yard with …

Vingesus–Whisper of Wings


Paul Gipe and Nancy Nies

Ok, we liked this book because it has lots of pictures: pictures of wind turbines, pictures of people, pictures of …

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Choosing Windpower by Hugh Piggott


Paul Gipe

Hugh Piggott is one of the English-speaking world’s true experts on small wind turbines, especially for off-the-grid applications.

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Éoliennes: Quand le vent nous eclaire (Wind Turbines: When the wind lights our way) by Philippe Ollivier


Paul Gipe

Ollivier is a journalist living in southern France’s Languedoc-Roussillion region, the country’s premier wind resource area. As a journalist, Ollivier …

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Switching to Renewable Power by Volkmar Lauber–A Review


Paul Gipe

Volkmar Lauber is one of the world’s pre-eminent academics specializing in renewable energy policy. Lauber, a professor political science at …

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Wind Energy: Technology and Planning CD-ROM


Paul Gipe

The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) issued a bilingual CD-ROM on wind energy at its New Delhi conference in 2006.

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Krieg um Öl oder Frieden durch die Sonne (War over Oil or Peace through the Sun)


Paul Gipe

Yes, Franz Alt’s powerful little book is in German. And yes there’s perhaps only 100 million native German speakers in …