Books Reviews by Paul Gipe

I have an extensive library on wind energy and energy policy. A number of these books I’ve reviewed over the years. Not all are in English, my native language. Nonetheless, I’ve reviewed some books in German, French, and Danish because I think it’s important to hear what these authors have to say about wind development in their countries.

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Build Your Own Small Wind Power System–A review


Build Your Own Small Wind Power System was written by a small wind systems dealer, Kevin Shea, and a professional journalist, Brian Howard. Be forewarned, this is a big book. It’s a modern book. It uses all the techniques necessary to keep modern readers attentive: sidebars, bullet points, and copious illustrations. . .

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Wind Power Plants: Fundamentals, Design, Construction and Operation by Robert Gasch and Jochen Twele, Editors–Second Edition


The book, edited by Robert Gasch and Jochen Twele, began as course notes for Gasch’s popular course on wind turbine design for engineering students at the Technische Universität in Berlin. Many of the book’s 15 authors are either graduates of or were members of TU-Berlin’s Aerospace Institute. Though professor Gasch has retired, many of the other authors are significant figures in today’s German wind industry. . .

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Greg Pahl’s Power from the People–A review


Paul Gipe

Greg Pahl’s Power from the People is an inspirational guide to the burgeoning community power movement. His case studies of people who are making a difference is often a tale of endurance and survival, but also a powerful testament to the human spirit. . .

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Martin Frey’s Wind of Change-A review


Paul Gipe

I’ve studied engineering and natural resources but my first love is geography. Consequently I’ve become a big fan of German technical writer and geographer Martin Frey. He’s written some great little books and Wind of Change is one of them. . .

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Martin Frey’s Baedeker Guide to Renewable Energy in Germany (Erneuerbare Energien Entdecken)-A review


Paul Gipe

Renewable energy has indeed come of age: It now has its on Baedeker Reiseführer or travel guide. . .

WWEA 2012 Small Wind World Report–A Review


Paul Gipe

I was just going to pick up the World Wind Energy Association’s 2012 Small Wind World Report and extract a few useful numbers to keep myself abreast of the small turbine industry. But once I began leafing through it, I thought others might be interested in this book and the picture it paints of the growth of interest in small wind turbines. . .

2012 Catalogue of Small Wind Turbines–A Review


Paul Gipe

The Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (FC) has again published a handy report cataloging small wind turbines available worldwide. The FC’s 2012 Catalogue of Small Wind Turbines is the one neutral source of product information worldwide on small wind turbines less than 50 kW in capacity. . .

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Switching to Solar by Bob Johnstone


Paul Gipe

What We Can Learn from Germany’s Success in Harnessing Clean Energy

Clear Gif

Hybrid Electric Home by Craig Toepfer–A review


Paul Gipe

Toepfer is one of the pioneers of small wind in the US. He, like myself, began their careers by scouring the Great Plains for junk windmills.

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Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper-a Review


Paul Gipe

Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper by Clive Dobson is a great little book with a wonderful collection of photos and diagrams. I learn something every time I pick up a book, even a children’s book, and this book was no exception.