Articles by
Paul Gipe
International Wind Energy Development: World Market Update 2001
Paul Gipe
An edited version of this article appeared in a 2001 edition of Renewable Energy World. Paul Gipe examines the latest ... Read more
European Wind Experience to 2001
Paul Gipe
IV. European Experience IV.A. Denmark and the Danes IV.A.1. Right Product at the Right Place IV.A.2.Dependable Home Market IV.A.3. ... Read more
Ventilators and Squirrels in a Cage
Paul Gipe
Like ducted turbines, a perennial favorite of hucksters and charlatans is, for lack of a better word, squirrel cage rotors.
Small Wind Turbines Sprouting as Power Prices Rise
Paul Gipe
California's power crisis has proven fertile soil for a new crop of small wind turbines seen sprouting across the state. From Chico in the north to Temecula in the south, from the coast near San Luis Obispo to windswept Tehachapi, small wind turbines are rising on their spindly towers to sweep kilowatt-hours out of the sky.
Spanish Survey of Small Turbine Technology A review by Paul Gipe
Paul Gipe
Researchers at Spain's national energy center, CIEMAT, reported on a survey of small wind turbine technology at the European Wind Energy Association special topic conference in Kassel, Germany.
JBS Comments on California Power Crisis
Paul Gipe
“Cost Curve Analysis of the California Power Markets,” JBS Energy, Sacramento, Calif. William Marcus and Greg Ruszovan, September 29, 2000. ... Read more
Testing the Power Curves of Small Wind Turbines
Paul Gipe
The following article grew out of research for an extensive revision of my book Wind Power for Home & Business published by Chelsea Green. The article is essentially a report on how to test small wind turbines and the results of my tests.
Comments on a Proposed Performance Standard for Small Wind Turbines
Paul Gipe
A Memorandum to Colleagues in the U.S. Small Turbine Industry on the Draft Performance Standard AWEA 1.2.2000
Midwest Wind Farm Trip Report and Observations
Paul Gipe
In late October I took a brief trip to Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota to visit some of the ... Read more
Etats-Unis : le calme après la tempête?
Paul Gipe
L’industrie éolienne aux Etats-Unis est aujourd’hui en pleine ébullition. En termes de puissance installée, le développement est comparable a celui que l’on a connu en 1985. Paul Gipe, en expert engagé, décrit la situation avec un enthousiasme modéré : dopée par les crédits d’impôts puis menacée par leur suppression, cette envolée risque de tourner court.
Brakedrum Windmill Plans Year 2000 Edition
Paul Gipe
Hugh Piggott's plans for turning a used brakedrum into a windmill is welcome addition to the literature on small wind turbines.